Effective for treating psoriasis - remedies and treatment

Psoriasis refers to diseases that are very difficult to treat. To completely get rid of the disease impossible. For quite a long time scientists and doctors are doing many efforts to find effective methods of treatment of lesions in the human body, which triggers the psoriasis. Today, there are several methods to relieve the patient from unpleasant symptoms. Effective for treating psoriasis are in compliance with certain events, the medication or physical therapy. Only a comprehensive approach and compliance with the regulations for the prevention to deal with the disease and to achieve long-term remission.


What is psoriasis?

Among many other dermatoses, one of the most common is psoriasis. Also in the medical practice, the disease called psoriasis. Disease refers to chronic skin diseases, non-infectious origin.

Ringworm appears as red and pink spots, protruding above the surface of the skin by 1-2 mm. A feature of psoriasis is a so-called scales of psoriatic plaques. The skin, peel and rude. This process occurs due to excessively rapid synthesis and cell division of the skin. A patient is the formation of new cells, it is ten times faster than healthy.

Reasons the disease is considered to be the following factors:

  1. The genetic predisposition.
  2. Violation of the metabolism.
  3. Hormonal imbalance in the body.
  4. The weakening of the immune system.
  5. Severe hypothermia or, on the contrary, the excessive influence of ultraviolet light.

To date, all the causes of the pathology are only a suggestion. The nature of the disease is so difficult to find clearly what causes the disease is not yet possible. The treatment is basically to remove the symptoms and improve the General well-being of the patient.

The use of drugs

Effective treatment of psoriasis can not be without the use of drugs. All the drugs in medical practice can be divided into several groups. These include:

Hormonal agents, or corticosteroids

Most of the times these drugs are available in ointments and creams for external use. Background with the hormones in its composition have advantages and disadvantages. The positive side can be noted the rapid effect. Corticosteroids can ease significantly the condition of the patient after a few applications.

The most common hormonal drugs are administered to patients with severe and progressive form of scaly lichen. In more mild types of the disease, these funds are not shown as they cause effect of habituation and many side effects.

Disadvantages of corticosteroids include the effect of the drug and various side effects. Complications can be the following:

background of the psoriasis
  • the appearance of edema;
  • increase in body weight of the patient;
  • the increase in the level of sugar in the blood;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • disorders in the Central nervous system.

To use hormones should only be in the prescription. Bad dose or premature withdrawal of the drug can be a lot of negative consequences.


In modern medicine treatment of psoriasis is not complete without the use of vitamins. With the development of the pathology of the patient can be administered a water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble are vitamins A, E and D. a water-soluble folic, ascorbic acid, and vitamins of the b group Also the therapy of psoriasis often involves the use of vitamin D.

Effective methods of treatment of psoriasis, also, can not do without the use of medications that help to restore the normal robot natural protection of the person. All preparations of this group are divided into immunosuppressants (immune suppressants) and adjuvants (immune system enhancement). Among the drugs that suppress the natural defenses of the body is often prescribed with methotrexate. The powerful drug has a specific action and is often used in severe forms of the course of the disease.

In psoriasis, these drugs help to normalise the natural protective functions of the body, develop metabolism and helps to regenerate damaged areas of the dermis.

Physical therapy

The most effective treatment of psoriasis, today considered the use of different methods of physical therapy. The purpose of this technique is the elimination of the manifestations of the disease on the skin of the patient and the improvement of overall health of the patient.

The therapy PUVA

Today the therapy PUVA is considered one of the most effective methods. This treatment is done with a special equipment that emits artificial UV rays. During a session in the human skin aktiviziruyutsya natural production of vitamin D3. Promotes the healing of the damaged areas of the dermis and to get rid of psoriatic plaques.

Appoint course of treatment and number of sessions need a doctor. Most often this treatment is performed in a hospital. When using PUVA, which must strictly adhere to the amount of UV waves, and the duration of the session.

The use of cold

pills psoriasis

Increasingly popular today is winning cryotherapy of psoriasis. This method involves the effective treatment of the disease, with cold. The action method is based on the creation of the body to a stressful situation with the cold, in which there is spasm of the blood vessels and capillaries. Through this, it is possible to obtain the following results:

  1. Elimination of pain.
  2. The removal of the inflammation.
  3. The establishment of the trophic tissue.
  4. Normal psychosomatic condition of the patient.

The procedure involves effects on local psoriatic lesions, in which affected areas of the body specialist sends a jet of liquid nitrogen. This type of influence has a positive effect, and promotes rapid recovery of damaged tissues.

The number of sessions is determined by the expert. Depends on the type of pathology and the condition of the patient.

Psoriasis treatment a special laser

The data are referred to as gas laser with ultraviolet radiation. With the help of special equipment, it is possible to direct a beam of light over the affected skin. This helps to reduce the growth of psoriatic lesions, and reduce inflammation.

The advantage of this type of therapy is the immediate impact on affected areas of the dermis, leaving the normal skin unaffected. Excimer laser allows you to use a particular wavelength range, is what distinguishes it from the conventional UV radiation. After a few treatments of laser therapy, the great improvement of the skin of the patient.

Alternative treatment of psoriasis

In addition to methods of medical treatment and physiotherapy is now a very popular non-traditional ways to get rid of the disease. These include:

  1. The use of blue clay. This natural product provides effective action against many diseases. The clay is faced with the inflammation, makes the blood circulation, remove the swelling and redness of the dermis. For the treatment enough to heat up the clay and apply it as a mask on the affected areas of the body. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.
  2. Very good results are obtained by the use of muds of Saki lake. Application of mud helps to establish blood flow and to establish the trophism of the dermis, to eliminate the inflammation, as well as to establish the metabolic processes of the skin. When the application of mud to the skin there are many useful components. This leads to an improvement of tissues and the healing of the wounds.
  3. It works very well for psoriasis medication on the basis of the tar. Tar ointment, promotes rapid healing of plates. For these purposes, the tar can be used in pure form, and also add it to various products. One of the most popular recipes is the ointment of birch tar and propolis. It is necessary to take 100 g of product and place in a water bath. After the ointment is applied to the plate for 20-30 minutes.

Unfortunately, today there is no way to cure permanently psoriasis. However, there are therapies quickly and effectively to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and achieve long-term remission in a patient.